Thursday, February 14, 2008

i am good at staying on the topic
i have good thesis statements
i have a lot of information
i write good body paragraphs

i need to have longer conclusion paragraphs
i need to stop using my on opinions
i need to go more in depth in my analysis
i need to start spliting my paragraphs up instead of having one long one

to imoprove my writing i will read into the proper way of introducing and conclude paragraph. i will start trying to write more paragraphs. in my intro i will establish context better.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Knowledge is something that you know

Truth is something that can be proven that it is right

Belief is something that you believe is right or wrong or how you feel

Knowledge is what you know that it is true. Knowledge is nothing that you believe that is not true. Truth is all knowledge and is only belief that is true. Belief is everything that you believe even if it is not true.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

V for Vendetta

To be honest i have never seen V for Vendetta. But from seeing that scene in class it looks like a new good movie. i would like to watch it sometime in the future. In the movie the character V in "V for Vendetta does not like the way the government has taken away the peoples rights.

In the movie V takes over a radio station and decides to speak to the people of London. He is trying to get the people of London to feel the same way about the government as him. In the begining of the speech V use a pathos mode of persuasion when he said, " I do, like many of you appreciate the comforts of the everyday routine,the security of the familiar, the tranquility of repetition." He use that to get the people of London to understand that he is just like them and not some crazy person. Then V goes on to talk about the cruelty and injustice of the government, he was useing forensics to argue the position of the government. Toward the end of the speech V said, " I sought to end that sought to end that silence. Last night, I destroyed the Old Bailey to remind this country of what it has forgotten. He used the means to an end form of argument and he use ethos to establish credibility for being the one who destroyed the Old Bailey.

In that short speech to the people of London V made a good arguement. He used lots of modes of persuasion and forms of arguement. He has given the people the power to uprise and start a revolt.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


My name is Jermain. i am 16 years old. i am a junior at East ascension high. i am from prairieville. i have lived there all my life and i like it down here. when i was 5 i tried to play t-ball but i decided to quit because it was to hot. but then i turned around and start to play football and basketball. i played basketball for AYBA until i was 12. i started to play for Central Middle (CES). i played my freshman year for EA. but i didnt like the coach so i quit. i have been playing football for 11 years. i used to play for prairieville broncos. i played with them until i was 12. then i decided to play CES. i have been play ever since then. i am a cool and laid back dude. but i have been told that i can have a hot head at times. in my spare time i like to play basketball. i like to party and have fun. thats all i have to say for now.