Thursday, January 31, 2008

V for Vendetta

To be honest i have never seen V for Vendetta. But from seeing that scene in class it looks like a new good movie. i would like to watch it sometime in the future. In the movie the character V in "V for Vendetta does not like the way the government has taken away the peoples rights.

In the movie V takes over a radio station and decides to speak to the people of London. He is trying to get the people of London to feel the same way about the government as him. In the begining of the speech V use a pathos mode of persuasion when he said, " I do, like many of you appreciate the comforts of the everyday routine,the security of the familiar, the tranquility of repetition." He use that to get the people of London to understand that he is just like them and not some crazy person. Then V goes on to talk about the cruelty and injustice of the government, he was useing forensics to argue the position of the government. Toward the end of the speech V said, " I sought to end that sought to end that silence. Last night, I destroyed the Old Bailey to remind this country of what it has forgotten. He used the means to an end form of argument and he use ethos to establish credibility for being the one who destroyed the Old Bailey.

In that short speech to the people of London V made a good arguement. He used lots of modes of persuasion and forms of arguement. He has given the people the power to uprise and start a revolt.

1 comment:

Mr. Hughes said...

--no need to reflect personal opinions/desires in your introduction
--thesis statement should communicate the speaker's purpose and mention the strategies you plan to discuss that help the speaker achieve that purpose
--intro. should establish context; develop fully

--"using forensics" is not the same as using a forensic argument
--he was arguing against the position of the government, not "arguing the position of the government"
--you mention too much in this para. narrow your focus a bit
--i think you could have split this para. in two

--your conclusion needs development; it's only 3 sentences long (aim for 7-10 sentence para.)
--no need to evaluate, just analyze (which may require interpretation as well)

FINAL THOUGHTS: i see no mention of tone. work on development and in-depth analysis. also, you must study the proper method of introducing and concluding an essay